LOS ANGELES, Aug. 25, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Author, researcher, social worker and registered nurse Candice Rosen’s (https://candicerosenrn.com/) robust living and health manual: “Forget Dieting! It’s All About Data Driven Fueling” has been released. Rosen’s groundbreaking Self Health book shatters the belief that dieting is the only answer to good health and losing weight, instead pointing to widespread pancreatic abuse and out-of-control blood sugars as a direct cause for a large variety of non-communicable disease. With results backed by an ongoing documented clinical trial published in the Journal of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), Rosen has long been a vocal advocate of fueling the body properly to sustain a healthy weight and increase longevity. “Forget Dieting!” is available for purchase from Rowman & Littlefield publishers through Barnes & Noble, Vroman’s Bookstore and Amazon.

“I have always maintained you are your own primary health care provider – your doctor is your second,” said Rosen. “And by that, what I mean is food is medicine. Rosen’s mantra: “Your Mouth Is NOT Suppose To Have A Party At Every Meal.” What you put in your mouth matters because it drives the metabolic and pancreatic functions of your body. A healthy pancreas converts good food into good energy that keeps you slim, fit, and thriving. But bad food choices create increased blood sugars and, overworks the pancreas, which leads to obesity and a host of preventable diseases. Every household should have a glucometer as well as a thermometer – that’s how important maintaining good blood sugar is to your weight and overall health.”
“You don’t need to starve yourself to lose weight,” said Rosen. “Keeping your blood sugar in a perfect range, 70-100, sustains your body’s homeostasis. And once you understand what food/fuel works for your body-organic machine, by ‘tuning in’ to what the body tells you 90 minutes after you eat a meal or snack, you’ll soon see a major difference in your, weight, health and well-being. Your body becomes the biggest line-of-defense against disease and weight gain.”
Learn more about Data Driven Fueling™ by going online to candicerosenrn.com. Or follow Candice Rosen on social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube.
About Candice P. Rosen, R.N., M.S.W.
Candice Rosen is a registered nurse and social worker who has worked as a nutrition counselor for over a decade. A former chairperson of medical initiatives for the Chicago Sister Cities International Program and wife of famed oncologist and researcher, Dr. Steven T. Rosen, Candice has a private practice in Los Angeles. A featured speaker at various conferences and a grant recipient, Candice has officially studied and documented the beneficial effects of her Pancreatic Nutritional Program on breast cancer patients with a BMI of 30+ at City of Hope hospital. Learn more about her work and the power of Data Driven Fueling™ at: www.candicerosenrn.com.
Media Contact:
Bruce Atwater, Administrative Assistant
Phone: 818-570-7204
SOURCE Candice Rosen